
Related Academics

Math - Science - Technology

This course provides an integrated approach to the study of Math, Science and Technology. Through a variety of problem solving projects, students will learn principles of Algebra, Geometry, Statistics and Trigonometry as they pertain to Physics, Chemistry and Life Science. Topics for the course include: The Science of Basketball, the Egg Drop Experiment, Shelters and Boat Hull Design. The course will carry one credit in Math or Science or Technology. Student must elect the type of credit prior to the course. This course has been approved by all component school districts as a locally developed second [under the Regent’s Action Plan] or third unit of Math or Science or Technology [under the New Standards].

Social Studies 12

Students unable to take Social Studies 12 due to scheduling conflicts at their home school, may enroll in this pullout course at CTI. This course will be divided into a half-year of Participation In Government and a half-year of Economics.