
Frequently Asked Questions


Who is eligible to attend CTI?

CTI is open to all secondary school students residing in Dutchess County. Individual programs may have particular requirements. You should look at those programs for more information.

Our mandate, as provided by the New York State commissioner’s regulations and education law, is to provide career and technical education programs for all qualified students. Every effort is made to evaluate each student individually on his or her own merits. The selection process is a joint cooperative effort between the local school counselor and CTI administrative staff. Together we work toward providing placement for each individual student in the appropriate program.  Dutchess BOCES does not discriminate on the basis of gender, color, race, religion or disability.

Can adults attend CTI?

With the exception of the Practical Nursing program, CTI's programming is geared for high school age students, with high school credit academics such as English and Math built in. Under certain circumstances, an adult may register to take CTI classes as a tuition-paying student. However, we urge adults to look at the Adult Learning Institute catalog, located at www.dcboces.org/adults.

How do I enroll in a CTI program?

If you are a high school student who wants to enroll in CTI, you should obtain an application from your home school guidance department. The application is to be filled out completely including a second course selection and signed by a parent or guardian and the school nurse. The completed application should then be returned to your home school guidance counselor. Your guidance counselor will attach a copy of your high school transcript and forward the complete application packet to CTI.

If you change your mind before school begins, please contact CTI during the summer. If you want a program change after you are at CTI, see a CTI administrator or CTI’s school counselor.

Will CTI help me meet my graduation requirements?

Yes, courses at CTI are counted towards your necessary credits to graduate high school. Depending on the classes you take, CTE coursework may be eligible for a 4+1 Regents Pathway. In addition, there is now a 4+CDOS Credential Diploma Pathway. Speak with your school guidance counselor for more information on course credits and what credits you need to complete high school.

Which High School years do I attend CTI?

Generally students attend CTI during their junior and senior years of high school. Students may begin their attendance in 10th grade for some programs. You should speak with your home school guidance counselor for scheduling classes at CTI.

Will CTI help me meet my CDOS Credential requirements?

As of June 2016, all students in New York State are eligible to receive the New York State Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Credential. This credential requires students to complete 216 hours of Career and Technical Education and 54 hours of Work Based Learning (WBL) during their high school careers. All of our programs offer more than 216 hours of instruction. The 54 hours of Work Based Learning can be earned by many students during two years of CTI enrollment.

How do I get to CTI to take classes?

Bus transportation is provided by the local school districts to and from CTI for all students. Students are encouraged to use their school’s bus transportation.

Students may drive to CTI if they receive permission from their parent or guardian, their home school and CTI. If student drivers do not follow the driving rules at CTI, their privileges may be terminated.

Do I have to pay to attend CTI?

The student’s home school pays for tuition for courses at CTI. There is no tuition cost to the student or his or her family for the instructional services or transportation. However, purchase of individual equipment, work clothes and materials may be required within the framework of any CTI offering. These purchases are the property of the student.

Adults attending CTI must pay tuition in advance. Please call 845.486.8001 for current charges for adults.

When is CTI in session?

CTI is administered in two educational sessions:
Morning: 8:33 to 11:05
Afternoon: 12:06 to 2:43
Students attend one session, either AM or PM, at CTI and the rest of the day at their home school.

Do I attend CTI if my school is closed or delayed?

If your school is closed due to a weather cancellation or other reason, you do not have to attend CTI for that day. You need to be aware of your home school schedule, as it is sometimes different from the CTI schedule. Our school calendars can be accessed online in the Publications section or on our Calendars page.

Can I get high school credit for working while I attend CTI?

Yes. CTI offers a number of work based learning opportunities. Cooperative work experience acts as the bridge between formal career and technical education and the world of work. Work Based Learning plays an important role in the occupational preparation of the student. In the majority of instances this work experience will be during the second year of a two-year program. Students may "capstone" on a part-time basis and will receive evaluations from their employers. Students will report to class at least once a week for related theory and class work. For more information on capstone and other work based learning opportunities, please see http://www.dcboces.org/cti/wbl.  

Will CTI help me find a job?

Yes. CTI maintains a Job Board to assist recent graduates and links them with potential employers. We encourage all students to speak to their teacher and to the administrative staff about pursuing job opportunities after high school.

Does CTI offer academic courses?

All CTE approved courses at CTI offer one credit of Integrated English Language Arts over the course of two years. This means you earn your ELA credit as part of your CTE class by working on assignments that are both CTE and ELA related. Many classes also offer integrated Math or Science. In addition, if your guidance counselor requests it, you may be able to take a Pull-Out class in Math, Science and Technology (MST.)

Do I graduate from my home school or CTI?

Students graduate from their home school. However, CTI has a Recognition Night where all students who successfully complete a CTE program and acquire the skills and knowledge to enter the world of work receive a CTI Certificate of Completion.

What type of success do CTI students have after program completion?

Career and technical graduates have, typically, been very successful. They are small business owners, managers and supervisors; they are nurses, journeymen carpenters, plumbers and electricians, machinists, electronic technicians, licensed cosmetologists, auto and auto body mechanics, cooks and chefs, etc. They are in all the fields in which training is provided.

Will I be able to use my CTI experience for college opportunities?

In recent years, approximately 65% of our program completers have gone on to a post secondary educational setting. Our graduates have used the skills and knowledge they learned at CTI to attend local community colleges, two and four year degree program colleges and technical schools.

Are there other types of training I can receive at CTI?

Dutchess BOCES, in cooperation with the New York State Education Department, can develop and conduct employer specific customized training programs for area businesses. Please call us for details.

Can I visit CTI?

Yes. CTI runs school wide visits throughout the year in conjunction with your home school guidance department. Check with your guidance counselor at the beginning of the school year to find out when your school is scheduled to visit. In addition to school wide visits, you can arrange for an individual visit through your guidance counselor. These visits typically are scheduled throughout the year for Wednesday afternoons.

Where can I find more information?

Speak with your high school guidance counselor. You can also find us at Skilled Trade Fairs in the area and see what we're up to on Dutchess BOCES' social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram and X.