Small Engine Technology
Teacher: Peter Hruscik
Small Engine Technology I
Course overview: Students will explore the theory and operation of two and four cycle engines including basic Carburetion, Lubrication, Ignition, Cooling, and Fuel Supply, Air induction, and Emissions. Students will have the opportunity to dive into real life scenarios in the small engine shop using specialty diagnostic tools and skills they have developed.
Small Engine Technology II
Course overview: Students will dive deeper into two and four cycle engine operation, focusing on engine systems and engine service. Students will explore trade specific tools used by the industry to diagnose and service various engines and vehicles related to power equipment, power sports and marine sports.
Academics: Career literacy and math are integrated into Small Engine Technology I and II.
College articulation agreements: SUNY Cobleskill, Ohio Technical College
What students say...
"Small engines shaped me. I'm currently working for an International Truck dealership and heading to Alfred State College to study truck/diesel."
– Aron Tracy