Salt Point Education Center Programs & Teachers
Assistive Technology
Certified personnel provide direct and indirect support service in the integration and use of assistive technology devices, materials, and strategies to students, educational teams, and families. This service includes assistive technology evaluations, student technology consultations, and training to students and staff to promote the integration and use of technology tools within the academic environment. Follow-up support is provided upon request, including staff development. Assistive Technology
Adolescent Day Treatment: 1-6-1
A more restrictive day treatment program fully integrated with clinical services for severely emotionally disabled students who need a more restrictive environment that combines academics, leading to a local or IEP diploma. The referred student must exhibit a cluster of behaviors that results in a principle diagnosis, as specified in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Counseling services are provided by the Astor School Based Services. There is a strict behavior modification program in place for the students needing this program.
Intensive Day Treatment Transitional
This is a short-term transitional program to serve adolescents in acute emotional crisis. Clinical services are provided by Rockland Children’s Psychiatric Center. This program offers two classes: one designed for adolescents, grades seven through twelve and the second designed for students in grades kindergarten through six.
Related and Itinerant Services
Related Services are defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) as such developmental, corrective and other supportive services as are required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education. Dutchess BOCES provides a variety of both certified and support personnel to special education students enrolled in classes run by Dutchess BOCES (related) as well as in participating district and private schools (itinerant). Related and Itinerant Services
Intensive Learning Environment [1-6-2]
These programs are designed for students aged 5 - 10 years with highly intensive management needs. Students typically lack impulse control, are very violent and may be substance affected. These programs are augmented with related services as specified by the student’s IEP.
Extended School Year [ESY]
The Extended School Year [ESY] Program serves students from all school districts who require a 12-month program as determined by the local Committee on Special Education.
PEACCE Program [1-6-2]
These programs are designed for autistic and/or severely communicatively impaired students. Staff are trained in the TEACCH Model as developed at the University of North Carolina. A very defined program provides the structured environment required for the children to learn. Related services as designated on the student’s IEP are provided by TEACCH trained staff within the classroom. PEACCE Program
1-6-1 and 1-8-1 Centers
The 1-6-1 programs serve students whose needs are determined to be highly intensive for reasons related to behavior, delayed development or physical disabilities.
The 1-8-1 programs serve students whose management needs are determined to be intensive for reasons related to behavior, delayed development and/or physical disabilities and who can tolerate a slightly higher ratio than 1-6-1 but not as high as 1-12-1.
Both are augmented with related services as designated on the student’s IEP. Vocational programs are offered to secondary students within the Special Education class framework.