Students at Dutchess BOCES’ Salt Point Center are showing their love for local veterans this Valentine’s Day by making colorful cards thanking them for their service.
Health and physical education teacher Susan Briggs-Lopane initiated this project at BOCES three years ago, but has been involved with it for over 30 years starting at her previous school. The cards were mailed during the week of Jan. 20 and will be delivered by Valentine’s Day to patients at Castle Point Veterans Hospital in Wappingers Falls and Montrose VA Medical Center in Montrose, Westchester County. “Everybody likes a valentine and that’s what we’re doing,” Briggs-Lopane said. “They’re pretty creative with their designs.” For Briggs-Lopane, it is great to see students be involved in a community project where they can make someone feel good about themselves. Seventh grader Ian Rios enjoyed making the cards for the veterans in tribute to all the important things they did for the United States. “They did good service for us and now we want to appreciate them,” Rios said. Sixth grader Diamond Nelson had a personal connection to the project, as her brother is a veteran and had fun designing multiple cards to be sent out. “It’s important so they can have support,” Nelson said. Briggs-Lopane said she has heard from staff at both hospitals who tell her that the veterans appreciated the gesture. “When we do this project they do care and they’re very happy to do it,” Briggs-Lopane said of her students. “Sometimes I feel we don’t thank veterans enough so I think this is one more thing we can do to help say ‘thank you for your service.’” If anyone is interested in making their own valentines for veterans they can contact Briggs-Lopane to make it happen.