Dutchess BOCES’ Adult Learning Institute is welcoming the chef of the 2009 World Series Champions to teach students how to prepare foods for Super Bowl Sunday and beyond.
Mark Anthony, now owner of JB’s Bar n’ Grill at James Baird State Park, will be teaching Food Fusion With A Flare. The 14-hour course is being offered from 5:30-9 p.m. on Jan. 21, 22, 28 and 29. The cost is $450 and includes supplies and containers to take the food home.
Anthony, 51, has been a chef for 26 years and prepared meals for visiting teams and the 2009 World Champion New York Yankees as a chef for the Major League Baseball franchise. He also ran the Mohegan Sun Sports Bar at Yankee Stadium.
“I’m excited,” he said. “I haven’t taught in a number of years. I’m looking forward to getting back into teaching.”
“January is a down time for us and I was approached about the class. We’re on a golf course, and the spring, summer and fall are busy.”
Anthony said he’s teaching students how to prepare appetizers and to cook with a flare in the upcoming course. He’ll be teaching students how to make foods such as flatbreads, meatballs, chicken tenders and calamari.
“I hope they get an understanding of different techniques and styles of cooking and flavor profiles, building different sauces and items,” said Anthony.
Janet Nelson, adult education program coordinator at Dutchess BOCES, has enjoyed the meals she’s had at JB’s and is thrilled to have Anthony on board for the course.
“People are going to have Super Bowl parties in February and this way you make some things to impress your friends who are coming to your house,” she said. “He going to prepare small dishes and appetizers with easy-to-find ingredients that you can find locally at any one of our grocery stores and show them how to make these dishes that are impressive but not complicated to make.”
Nelson and Anthony are hopeful Anthony may teach another Adult Learning Institute culinary course before James Baird State Park opens its golf course for the 2025 season.
“I really hope they learn to embrace new ingredients they haven’t tried or used before and how to combine different flavors with different spices and maybe move on and take other culinary classes,” said Nelson of the culinary class.
“We do offer other culinary classes.”
The culinary classes are just a taste of what the Adult Learning Institute offers students. The Adult Learning Institute provides programs such as automotive repair and maintenance, defensive driving, residential house wiring, residential plumbing and welding.
Visit bit.ly/dcbocesadultregistration to learn more about the courses and to register.