Noah Browne is a junior in the graphic arts & design program from Rhinebeck Central School District.
Why did you choose to attend the CTI graphic arts & design program?
My main reason for choosing graphic design was that I had gotten into Procreate over the summer. I'd always had an interest in doing something with digital art, but I've never really had anything to do it with until then. I mentioned it to my guidance counselor as a potential interest and they had a graphic design course at Rhinebeck.
I was looking for classes to do next, so my guidance counselor had mentioned to me that going to BOCES was an option. Originally, I was thinking that I didn’t want to be different, and it’s far away, but I thought I’d see what was happening over here. I'm glad I did because I really like it here.
What have you learned so far?
I've learned a lot of the more intricate parts of the Adobe software. I’ve learned those kinds of tools you don't know about unless you've been taught about them, and they're incredibly useful when you do.
I know how to organize my documents so that everything makes sense graphically. I make sure to focus on hierarchy and making sure stuff is readable, and that the viewer is focusing on what I want them to focus on and not something else.
What is your favorite part of the program?
My favorite part is the client work. I didn't think I would like doing things for clients because usually I'm not a social person, but I really enjoy the professional side of graphic design. I enjoy figuring out what the client wants and then interpreting it in my own style and my own way to create something that can fit their needs.
We’ve worked with the animal and plant sciences class, and made designs for the holiday card for the school. Another client we worked with was the New Fairfield/Sherman Animal Welfare Society (NFSAW). They needed a T-shirt design done. I actually won that contest, so my design was chosen for a T-shirt.
What are your aspirations or plans after you complete the program?
My plan is to go to some sort of four-year school for graphic design. I want to do something like advertising design. I still have to decide where I fit, but something in the graphic design field is definitely where I want to go.