
The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program at the Salt Point Center is off to a great start after students and staff enjoyed fresh orange slices on Oct. 3.
Heather Palmieri, assistant cook, said students enjoyed the orange slices and younger students were asking for additional orange slices. A cart was placed in each hall with information about the program, small bags of orange slices and trays for adults and students to carry the nutritional snack back to each classroom.
“I hope they’re trying new foods,” said Palmieri of the program. “I hope each student will try something and find something they’ll like that they can eat at home.” 
Students will be served a fresh fruit or vegetable twice a week in addition to their breakfast and lunch after Salt Point Center was awarded $6,660 in federal grant funds by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to run the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program.
“I think it’s great,” said SPC Principal Melissa Murphy. “Anything we can bring to the program to make it more well-rounded is always positive. I hope students expand their palate and their ability to tolerate different fruits and vegetables.”
The goals of the program include creating a healthier school environment by offering healthier choices, and give children the opportunity to taste and eat more fruits and vegetables.
“It’s very exciting,” said Office Manager Christina Mark. “It gives kids the opportunity to try new foods and hopefully learn to like some fruits and vegetables that maybe they’re not exposed to normally.”
With this being fall, students and staff will be sampling different apples from area orchards.
“It helps with learning about the area, different local farms and different offerings during each season,” said Leslie Peone-Buckner, assistant cook. “We’re going to try and get in touch with more local farms to see if we can get different varieties so they can learn the different varieties, textures and what they are used for, whether for baking or for eating fresh as a snack.”