Helpful Links to Websites, Forms & Publications for Students, Parents and Teachers;
- Weather Conditions and School Closings
- Internet Safety
- New York State Education Department
- New York State Education Department
- NYS Grade 3-8 Testing Info
- NYS Grade 3-8 Testing Schedule
- Parent Resources
- United States Department of Education
- We Give Books: Free e-books for children ages up to 10 years of age
- Children for Children: a not-for-profit promoting hands-on youth volunteering and giving programs which teach the value of community involvement at a young age, and provides resources to underserved schools
- Culinary Kids: Family Cooking Manual
- The Futures Channel: Connecting Learning to the Real World
- Summer Camp Opportunities:
- Bright Horizons at Poughkeepsie
- Dutchess Arts Camp
- Gold's Gym LaGrange Camp: 845.463.4800
- Hudson River Performing Arts Center
- Hyde Park Recreation Department
- internalDrive Tech Camp
- JCC Summer Day Camp: 845.471.0430
- Mad Science Group: Mid-Hudson
- Martial Arts Camp: 845.473.7916
- Ramapo for Children
- Websites for Parents of Children with Autism & Related Disorders
Forms & Publications for Parents & Students
- Absentee Excuse Form
- Alternate & Special Education Technology Plan
- Early Release Request Form
- Field Trip Permission Form
- Handbook Consent Form
- Menus
- Permission to Give Medicine
- Permission For Student Use of Computers
Forms & Publications for Teachers
- Scope and Sequence/ Curriculum
- English Language Arts [ELA] Checklist
Compiled by Linda Kilpatrick. Linda "re-organized" the NYS Learning Standards and Performance Indicators by grade level [K - 1, 2 - 4, 5 - 6, & 7 - 8]. - Mid-Quarter Progress Report Template [in MS® Word® format]