Ron DiStefano has worked as a youth aide in the Work-Based Learning program for five years and what he enjoys most about the job is interacting with students. “The kids are great, they’re amazing,” DiStefano said. When he retired as special education teacher from the Poughkeepsie City School District, DiStefano knew he wanted to continue working with students and this role easily fit the bill. “It keeps me engaged,” he explained. DiStefano works with students at Price Chopper and the Big Bubble Laundromat, both in Poughkeepsie, performing tasks such as maintenance, bagging groceries and placing returned products back on the shelves. He is a strong believer in leading by example. “I don’t stand in the corner watching,” he said. “I’m right there with them.” Anyone looking to enter this field should be willing to engage with their students, while getting to know their skill level and personality. “Once you figure that out, it’s pretty smooth sailing,” DiStefano said. “It’s about connecting with the kids.”