Teacher Resource Page
Dutchess BOCES Professional Development: Frontline Education
With over 5,000 free printable worksheets for teachers and among other great activities for the classroom abcteach.com is a wonderful place for teacher, parents, and student alike.
The Center for Public Education
The Center for Public Education is a national resource for accurate, timely, and credible information about public education and its importance to the well-being of our nation. The Center provides up-to-date research, data, and analysis on current education issues and explores ways to improve student achievement and engage public support for public schools.
The Dutchess BOCES School Library System
The Dutchess BOCES School Library System serves 89 participating school libraries by providing:
• Library automation development and ongoing support
• Professional library collection and online resources
• Coordination of inter-library loan
• Professional development opportunities
• Cooperative collection development
• Access to online databases -
English Language Arts [ELA] Checklist
Compiled by Linda Kilpatrick from our Salt Point Educational Center. Linda "re-organized" the NYS Learning Standards and Performance Indicators by grade level [K - 1, 2 - 4, 5 - 6, & 7 - 8].>
Regional Partnership Center
Serves Dutchess, Orange-Ulster, Sullivan, Ulster, Putnam-Northern Westchester, Southern Westchester, Rockland, Otsego-Northern Catskills, and Delaware-Chenango-Madison-Otsego BOCES, as well as the City School District of Yonkers.
New York State Bar Association
Law, youth and citizenship. No matter what subject you teach, a lawyer can be a valuable addition in your classroom! Whether you need a legal resource to aid your class discussion or a guest speaker for a specific topic or occasion, our volunteers are there for you. Putting an attorney in front of your students is a great way to enhance their learning experience. Regardless of your legal knowledge, you can enrich your classroom activities by having an attorney speak to your students. nysba.org
Education Planet's popular search engine for teachers, LessonPlanet.com, makes it easy to quickly search over 80,000 online lesson plans that have been reviewed and rated by credentialed K-12 teachers. Created by teachers for teachers, Lesson Planet allows members to easily narrow their lesson plan searches by grade level, overall rating, subject, teaching method, duration and more. Lesson Planet also makes it easy for teachers to teach to their state's content standards by providing matching state standards with each lesson search. Members can also browse for online teacher resources by Calendar, Theme and Directory. In addition, Lesson Planet members can easily save any of their favorite search results (lessons, standards, etc.) with the Save Selected Results tool.
The Mid-Hudson Teacher Center responds to the needs and interests of over 13,000 educators, along with parents and community members, in the three counties of Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster in New York State.
The Alternative Certification Program: Transition B is for teacher candidates who have an appropriate baccalaureate or master's degree but don't have teacher education.
In 1996 we asked teachers to share their favorite lesson plans and tips. A decade later, we now host over 3500 unique lesson plans.
New York State Education Department Resources
NYSED Educational Design and Technology
Coordinates programs and initiatives for integration of technology in grades P-12 to improve teaching and learning.
Coordinates, develops and implements New York State assessments.
NYS High School Regents Exam Prep Center
The goal of this nonprofit site is to help high school students meet the New York State Regents requirements in English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. This project is supported by a federally-funded Title III Technology Literacy Challenge Grant.
Project Accelerate Consortium's reference site, which includes all of the NYS Learning Standards, their performance indicators, examples of completion, example assessment tests, lessons, and more.
General Resources
Provides lesson plans from teachers across the United States and variety of resource guides.
Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
Educational Resources Information Center [ERIC] is a national information system funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences to provide access to education literature and resources.
Exploring Nature Educational Resource
A natural science reference site for students and educators.
A portal of possibilities for effective integration of technology into the curriculum.
"Termed Project NYLearns by its sponsoring body, the Western New York Consortium, this new Web-based electronic learning environment will house digital content and instructional support materials for teachers to advance the academic requirements established by New York State Learning Standards."
A source for free practice tests, including the SAT.
This free, comprehensive digital learning platform is built upon the merger of two acclaimed programs Verizon MarcoPolo and the Thinkfinity Literacy Network.