At age 14 transition planning becomes part of each student’s IEP. Each student, their family, the school team and sometimes outside service providers meet annually and set goals for post-graduation living and learning. Our high school programs provide transition activities that focus on both academics and functional achievement.
Students may prepare for a variety of outcomes – some being full time employment, part time employment, part time supported employment, day habilitation services, or enclave (supervised small group employment). Additionally students may focus on other aspects that maximize their potential, such as a TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) or enrollment in BOCES CTI (Career and Training Institute).
During this time students and their families are often assisted with applications for OPWDD (Office for People with Developmental Disabilities) and Supplemental Security Income/Medicaid. During their last year in school, some students open an application with ACCESS-VR (Adult Career and Continuing Education Services–Vocational Rehabilitation). All students are linked with post-secondary supports during these last years. Some students will continue to work on their Regents throughout their high school career.
Students in our high school programs typically graduate with a Skills and Achievement Commencement Diploma or Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential. For more information go to