
I. Arts in Education Resources


National and State Organizations:  

Education Departments and BOCES:

Arts Education Standards (National and State):

Arts and Education Links/Terms:

  • American Alliance for Theatre and Education AATE
  • Americans for the Arts to serve, advance, and lead the network of organizations and individuals who cultivate, promote, sustain, and support the arts in America. Connecting best ideas and leaders from the arts, communities, and business, to work together to ensure that every American has access to the transformative power of the arts.
  • American Institutes for Research Review of Evidence: Arts Integration Research Through the Lens of the Every Student Succeeds Act
  • Annenberg LearnerThe Arts in Every Classroom: A Video Library K-5: videos of classroom teachers and arts specialists integrating the arts into their classrooms in a variety of successful ways. To view the videos:  http://www.learner.org/resources/series165.html
  • Arts Education Partnership is a national network of organizations, and a center within Education Commission of the States dedicated to advancing the arts in education through research, policy and practice.
  • Arts Mid-Hudson: Covering Dutchess, Ulster and Orange Counties; www.artsmidhudson.org 
  • Teaching Artists Guild (TAG) the oldest, independent organization and movement serving Teaching Artists in the country, provides a national forum, a knowledge commons, a practitioner led network, and a community of practice to support the professional practice of Teaching Artists and increase the impact of their work. ATA advances policies and initiatives that expand opportunities and recognition of the work of Teaching Artists.
  • Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA): professional learning for educators and teaching artists http://education.kennedy-center.org//education/ceta/
  • Chicago Arts Partnership: www.capeweb.org
  • Department of VSA, Kennedy Center VSA, the international organization on arts and disability, was founded more than 35 years ago by Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith to provide arts and education opportunities for people with disabilities and increase access to the arts for all.
  • Drama and Theatre Resource Guide: http://www.supersummary.com/drama-theater-guide
  • Edutopia: Monthly newsletters and articles such as Transformation Through Arts Integration www.edutopia.org or news@edutopia.org
  • Education Closet A digital learning hub for arts integration and STEAM committed to bringing K-12 educators the highest-quality resources and professional development for integrating the arts across all content areas.
  • NAMM Foundation: National Association of Music Merchants Foundation The NAMM Foundation celebrates and promotes the intrinsic value of music education.
  • National Archive of Data on Arts & Culture: Free and easy access to data on the arts and on the arts' value and impact for individuals and communities. 
    Cultural Policy and the Arts National Data Archive: CPANDA’s core mission is to acquire, archive, document and preserve high quality data sets on key topics in arts and cultural policy, and make them available in a user-friendly format to scholars, journalists, policy makers, artists, cultural organizations, and the public.
  • National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) is the membership organization that unites, represents and serves the nation's state and jurisdictional arts agencies.
    Each of the 56 states and jurisdictions has created an agency to support excellence in and access to the arts.
  • National PTA comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of parent involvement in schools.
  • New York State Library System:
  • The New York State PTA The overall purpose of PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
  • The New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) is the statewide voice for the interests of public boards of education. NYSSBA serves nearly 660 local school boards and boards of cooperative educational services (BOCES), which represent almost 5,000 members – nearly half the elected officials in the state.
  • New York State Alliance for Arts Education believes in “All Arts for All Students.” www.nysaae.org
  • NEXT Generation ELA Standards- changing the meaning of “text” leaving opportunity for Arts Integration/STEAM
  • Poetry Out Loud: National Recitation Project;  www.poetryoutloud.org 
  • Raising the Barre and Stretching the Canvass: Implementing High-Quality Arts Programming in an Actual Youth Serving Organization
  • STEAM Career Guide


For more information:

Maria DeWald
Coordinator, Arts in Education/Exploratory Enrichment
Dutchess County BOCES
Educational Resources
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
v: 845.486.4840 ext. 4581
f: 845.625.1680
E-Mail: maria.dewald@dcboces.org
Web: www.dcboces.org/artsineducation