
Arts in Education/Exploratory Enrichment Comparison | AIE Contract Guidelines | AIE Standards for Approval | AIE Ticket Purchase Guidelines | NYSSMA Criteria | DCMEA Criteria

Exploratory Enrichment Contract Guidelines | EE Standards for Approval | Dutchess BOCES Service Plan | For More Information


Is it Arts in Education [AIE] or Exploratory Enrichment [EE]?

Arts in Education - CO-SER 5842 Exploratory Enrichment - CO-SER 5840
Program/activity focus on the ARTS Learning Standards. Activities include dance, music, theatre, visual arts, literary arts and Media arts (including Scholastic Arts Competition) Program/activity focuses on academic Learning Standards or Common Core/career/character education subject areas. Activities may include zoos, gardens, historical sites, Summer Scholars, science museums, environmental centers, and so forth
Program/activity held in one school or district is eligible for state aid through BOCES AIE CO-SER Program/activity must be SHARED with another school DISTRICT to be eligible for state aid through BOCES EE CO-SER
Admission Tickets are eligible for state aid through BOCES AIE CO-SER Admission tickets are NOT eligible for state aid under BOCES EE CO-SER. Site-based fees are eligible.
Transportation and food costs are NOT eligible under BOCES AIE CO-SER Transportation and food costs are NOT eligible under BOCES EE CO-SER
Artist/Presenters must be approved by BOCES AIE CO-SER Presenter/program must be approved by BOCES EE Coordinator
Arts related professional development is aidable under BOCES AIE CO-SER Professional staff development is NOT aidable under BOCES EE CO-SER; all psd except for AIE is covered under the PSD COSER
BOCES AIE CO-SER can be used for student programs from September through June; professional staff development in AIE is additionally aidable in July and August BOCES EE Programs are aidable for the entire year including July and August, e.g. Summer Scholars


I. Arts in Education Guidelines


AIE Contract Guidelines

The downloadable “School District Request For Arts In Education” Contract is available on the FORMS page of the BOCES website, www.dcboces.org/artsineducation, in both Word and pdf formats. You may also link to the FORMS page by clicking on the word contract listed anywhere below. Please note that the contract can be filled in online and downloaded but cannot be submitted electronically. They may also be available through your district arts in education coordinator.

  1. Schools should complete all areas of the contract and assure it is signed/dated by the district coordinator AND administrator before faxing/emailing * to the BOCES coordinator, as listed below. Contracts need to be received by Maria DeWald, BOCES AIE Coordinator, BEFORE THE EVENT OCCURS (it is possible that contracts received after the program occurs may not be accepted)) and at least one month prior to the performance (8 weeks prior for pre-payments for registrations, tickets, etc.). They can be sent as much as a year in advance but no later than the annual announced date, usually around May 15.
  2. Many schools/districts fill out most of their AIE contracts in the summer or early in the school year to alleviate delays in payment. If payment on a contract should be delayed, please call the BOCES Coordinator to discuss.
  3. Although all paperwork is processed electronically with no originals needed, BOCES suggests original contracts, as well as other related paperwork, be kept in the District files as reference, at least until payment has been completed.


  1. All artists employed through the AIE Co-Ser who are presenting an arts program for the first time in a district, will need to be fingerprinted prior to presenting the program if the artist will be spending unsupervised time or have direct contact with children under the age of 21 or will be conducting a residency of five days or more. This is the responsibility of the district and artist.
  2. PAYMENT: Please note carefully: BOCES MUST BE the agent of payment for all contracts although the individual district/school/donation provides the funds to pay the artist/organization and the administration fee. This process assures that BOCES can submit their annual report on all AIE Co-Ser expenditures to the State Education Department to assure that appropriate aid is received on all approved AIE contracts for that school calendar year. (Aid is received by the district in their first general state aid payment of the following year.) Therefore, BOCES, NOT THE DISTRICT/SCHOOL, must issue payment to the artist/organization. If the school pays the artist/organization directly, any state aid that would have been forthcoming on that contract is forfeited as it becomes impossible for BOCES to account for those expenditures in their end of year report on how much aid is due.
  3. Payment to the artist/organization normally should take no more than 3-6 weeks. However, budget modifications, W9 forms missing or not consistent with the contract and artist’s IRS filing, Business Office payment schedules, missing paperwork (original contracts/invoices/claim forms), holidays/emergency situations, and so forth, could delay payment. Concerning budget modifications, payment is much more efficient if the school district maintains an AIE debit account to pay artists rather than BOCES depending on individual budget modifications for each contract which requires extra time and will often cause significant delay.
  4. Filling Out The Contract:
  • Provider Information: In filling out the contract, the name or organization name should exactly duplicate the artist’s IRS tax filing on the W9. For example, if the artist files under their name and Social Security # (individual), fill the contract out this way; if the artist files under an organization name such as “Puppet People, Inc.” or using a TIN# (group), fill the contract out this way. Again, the information provided on these lines MUST exactly match the information provided on the W9 (for 1099 reporting purposes).
  • W9: Since we keep W9s on file, a W9 is NOT needed unless Dutchess BOCES has never worked with the artist/organization before OR more than three years have passed since they have OR an address or name change has occurred.
  • School Information: Please provide reliable information on school contacts, whether staff or volunteer, who can answer questions about the contract if necessary. Please include an email address and reachable phone number.
  • Standards and Pre-Payments: Please check off all anchor standards that apply to the program. If Pre-Payment is needed (available for purchases such as tickets, participation fees, and registrations ONLY), please check the box and fill in the Required Date. Please note that this is the date by which the payment must be received, not the actual event date. BOCES should be allowed at least 8 weeks prior to the payment deadline (not the event date) to assure payment by the requested date.
  • Partial Payment: BOCES can only provide payment on services after they are completed. However, if a residency is very long, e.g., a month in October and a month in May, partial payments can be requested after whatever part of the services have been completed. If Partial Payments on services rendered are needed, please check that off on the contract and please clearly state in the description area the following: how many partial payments will there be, how much will the payment be for each, and after what dates. For example, if you request two partial payments, you might say something such as Payment #1/2 will be $4000 to be paid as soon as possible after 10/30 (that part of the services having been completed) and Payment #2/2 will be for $4000 as soon as possible after the remainder of the work is completed. There is no limit on the number of payments that can be requested fee on the contract as long as they total the final fee and are divided according to completion.


  • Description: Please describe what the Learning Outcomes for the program are, how the curriculum will be enriched, and how your chosen NYS Learning Standards for the Arts will be met as checked in #3. Also include in this section any details regarding partial payments and grants. Continue on the back of the contract if needed.
  • Evaluation: Please fill in the name/contact information of the staff responsible for post-event follow-up/evaluation.
  • Grants: Check off the box here ONLY if a Federal, State or County grant will partially offset the cost of the program. For example, if a residency costs $3000 and a grant has been received from one of the entities above for $1000, you would state in section #4 the following: Grant Amount: $3000/ Source: Dutchess County Arts Council/ To Be Used: To Pay Partial Artists Fees. Then, subtract the amount of the grant from the total fee and only put that amount in the FEE section in #1 of the contract. In this case, the Fee would be $2000 which would be aid able under the BOCES Co-Ser (you cannot “double dip” on the $1000 granted by the government agency). If there is no grant for the particular contract, leave this section blank.
  • Artist Signature or Invoice: The contract must either be signed by the artist/organization or, in lieu of the signature, an INVOICE must be sent. Please assure all information matches on the invoice/contract/W9. The invoice does not need to be an original and can be faxed/emailed. An invoice is not the same as a contract and should not include the word “contract” on it.  It should state: Dutchess BOCES/Agent of Payment.
  • N.B. and Signatures: Please note carefully the statement at the bottom of the contract. First, the district administrator is certifying by their signature that the contract does not include transportation/food (which are not aid able). This excludes any artist transportation that is part of that artist’s fee (or, similarly, supplies needed by the artist). Secondly, they are authorized to guarantee payment of the contract by the district. Lastly, they understand that an administrative fee of 7% per contract will be assessed unless it was pre-paid by the district.
  • The contract must also be signed/dated by the district AIE Coordinator in addition to the authorized district/school administrator noted above. Sometimes these signatures are the same depending on the district staff involved.
  • Please note: Exact Dates are needed on contracts/invoices, not a range such as September 10-October 20. If, when you initially send the contract, the dates are not available as yet, they need to be sent eventually before payment can be processed.
  • District Coordinators: Again, district coordinators need to carefully check contracts/ invoices/W9s to assure everything is filled out and signed accurately. If time is an issue, please send the basic contract and catch up with the rest of the paperwork as soon as possible.
  • After completion, and following individual district process which usually means the district AIE coordinator will process it first, the contract should be sent to Dutchess BOCES at 5 BOCES Rd, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, c/o Maria DeWald, AIE Coordinator or E-faxed to 845-625-1680 or emailed. Please copy Suzanne Hettinger, Support Staff,  on all correspondence. At this point, after approval as a legitimate AIE expenditure indicated by the BOCES Coordinator’s signature, BOCES becomes the agent of payment, proceeds with securing a Purchase Order, and assures payment, using the appropriate district funds, as necessary. The BOCES Coordinator will confirm approval by email with the district coordinator and place the event on the BOCES AIE calendar. If for some reason the contract is not approved, an email to that effect will be sent back to the district coordinator also
  • Contract Modifications: If there is a contract modification before the date of the performance, fill in the items which have changed such as new dates/fees, include a copy of the original contract and resubmit (usually be email). PLEASE NOTE: If using an invoice in lieu of the artist’s signature, we will need a new invoice also reflecting the changes that have occurred.
  • Claim Forms: District Coordinators are to assure that the artist/organization has a copy of the Artists Claim Form to assure that payment is facilitated in a timely manner after the event is completed. We advise that this form be submitted within 24 hours of the completion of the contract or asap to avoid missing check run dates as much as possible. The easiest way to accomplish this is to have the artist/organization sign the form when they complete their work and then assume responsibility for its completion/ submission. NO PAYMENT CAN BE ISSUED WITHOUT THIS FORM as it is your confirmation that the service has been completed. Again, please assure the dates/fee/all other information on the Claim Form match the information on the contract/invoice/W9.  The Form is available electronically at the BOCES site or by clicking above. This form can be emailed/faxed and does NOT need to be an original. NO CLAIM FORM IS NEEDED FOR PRE-PAYMENTS since these are for purchases, not services.


Guidelines for Approval

The following is a list of Dutchess BOCES Guidelines for program approval developed to assure the integrity of the aforementioned NYSED Program:

Compliance with the following standards is required for BOCES aid approval:

  • Alignment with the New York State Learning Standards for the Arts.
  • Alignment with the curriculum, i.e., the arts performance should enrich and be appropriate to the curriculum.
  • Activities and services pertaining to the arts may involve multiple contacts. For example, a residency, which may be one day in length but is usually of longer duration, is different than an assembly program and often requires multiple contacts between artists, students and teachers. For example, an artist might provide staff development activities for teachers before or after a performance. Also, activities or special interest workshops might be held for students in addition to a performance. Another example might be a multiple contract between districts for a countywide musical production. These types of arts experiences are highly recommended.
  • Programs must include a teacher evaluation as part of the plan.
  • Artists and cultural organizations listed on the Arts-in-Education Website are recommended as a guide/contact vehicle and are not meant to be restrictive or inclusive in any way.
  • Some examples of aid able programs are artists-in residence, professional development in the arts, author visits, theatre and museum tickets, registrations for NYSSMA/DCMEA, and arts-related components to larger events such as an appropriate Imax movie when visiting a museum/site.
  • This service may also grant aid for the cost of students’ admission tickets for field trips to attend visual arts exhibitions, dance/music/dramatic performances. This includes both local and non-local activities/venues such as a Broadway show, a Bardavon performance, the Hudson Valley Philharmonic, etc.
  • Transportation/Food costs are not eligible for BOCES aid. Neither is any arts-in-education activity occurring on a weekend or in the evening [exception: a weekday evening or weekend performance that is part of/connected to an artist-in-residence or workshop project or a connected event that is only available on a weekend]. There are a [very] few exceptions for weekends. Summer activities are not eligible except for professional staff development. If there are supply/transportation costs that are needed as part of the performance, just include them in the total fee with NO BREAKOUT on the contract or invoice listed. For example, a portrait residency may include the needed sketch pads and charcoal. If an artist is coming from another state and needs transportation, they should just include that as part of their fee.
  • Again, all artists employed through the AIE Co-Ser who are presenting an arts program for the first time in a district, will need to be fingerprinted prior to presenting the program if the artist will be spending unsupervised time or have direct contact with children under the age of 21 or will be conducting a residency of five days or more. This is the responsibility of the district and artist.


Following is a scale recommended by Edward S. Marschilok, associate in music education at the NYSED Office of Curriculum and Instruction in 1998-99, to determine if an arts program has educational value:


Highest rating


Students demonstrate learning due to motivation/challenge of the workshop, exhibition or performance


Enrichment for another core subject that addresses one of the Arts Standards


Exposure with no personal commitment to an art form or an opportunity to demonstrate learning


Entertainment that passes time, requires no student effort, and is superficial

For Dutchess County Coordinators, a good rule of thumb is that at least 50% of the content/ delivery of the program should be arts related. Students should leave the event feeling it was an arts experience. For example, if the theme of a performance is history but involves a theatre performance, songs of the period, etc. it should be aid able. However, if the theme of a program is basketball or science and involves only one small component, say 10%, that is arts related, it would not be eligible for aid. It might however, be eligible for aid under the Exploratory Enrichment Co-Ser.

It should be a goal of all district arts coordinators to assure that every student, over the course of their school careers, enjoys the benefit of exposure to at least one or more arts residencies. Hopefully,exposure to an arts workshop or event for every student each year is also not unreasonable and highly desirable.


II: AIE Ticket Purchase Guidelines for Artistic/Cultural Events and Field Trips

The New York State Education Department allows aid on tickets to events which school districts purchase for their students, teachers and chaperones if those tickets are contracted through BOCES. Admission fees [not other related costs such as transportation, lunch, etc.] to concerts, theatre, ballet, dance and museums are eligible for this aid. Events must support the New York State Learning Standards for the Arts (link is external).

When a request for tickets or admissions is received by BOCES, the district will be billed for the total amount unless the vendor has agreed to defer payment until after the event.


  1. A teacher, principal, superintendent, or arts coordinator makes all arrangements for dates, times, and number of tickets, directly with the vendor/organization (theatre, museum, etc.). Ask box office to fax an invoice to you listing BOCES as the agent responsible for payment. Obtain from box office its Federal ID number, which must be included on the contract. Again, this program funds only admission costs and not transportation or other related costs. The school representative needs to arrange with the vendor to have the tickets reserved at their location, picked up, or sent directly to the school for an additional fee. This fee can be included in the request to BOCES.
  2. Complete the contract as always and send with the invoice from the box office to BOCES. Arrangement should be confirmed in writing between the school and the vendor.
  3. Ideally the vendor may agree to defer payment until after the event.  Arrangements should be confirmed in writing with signatures of both parties and attached to the usual contract. Vendor should submit a bill to BOCES after the event has occurred, in lieu of Claim Form, including the final statistics, to facilitate payment. Please note:
  • Dutchess BOCES cannot reimburse individuals, organizations or schools for tickets, which have already been purchased. To guarantee state aid reimbursement, DC BOCES must pay the box office directly for tickets. 
  • Please do not ask for partial payment (except as a deposit), i.e. some funds coming from the PTA, some from BOCES, as this causes major confusion at the box office. Just put in the amount to be paid by BOCES on the contract and send the school payment directly understanding no aid will be received on any expenditure not paid with a BOCES check. Some schools handle this by arranging for an arts-in-education line in the school budget that donated funds can be granted to for a payment when billed.
  • Deposits can be made and are processed as a first partial payment contract. They can also be paid via a separate contract as long as BOCES has enough time to process it.


III. [NYSSMA] New York State School Music Association

[DCMEA] Dutchess County Music Educators Association 

Student registration fees for participation in DCMEA and NYSSMA events are aid able under the BOCES Arts-in-Education Co-ser. Aid able DCMEA/NYSSMA events are: DCMEA: All-County Music Festivals and DCMEA sponsored workshops; NYSSMA: Solo and Small Ensemble and Majors Festivals, Area All-State Conferences (excluding room and board; it is a very short timetable however so please make arrangements with the BOCES Coordinator before processing). Also included are annual district participation fees and professional staff development registration fees for both DCMEA/NYSSMA sponsored workshops. Teacher membership fees are not aid able.

Dutchess County BOCES is the agent of payment to DCMEA/NYSSMA if an AIE contract is submitted. Therefore, DCMEA/NYSSMA will only accept payment in the form of a BOCES check. All checks will be made out to DCMEA/NYSSMA and mailed directly either to DCMEA/NYSSMA or the DCMEA/NYSSMA Festival Chairperson for accounting purposes. The invoice sent along with the contract will accompany the check. In general, invoices in these cases are the student registration forms.

All DCMEA/NYSSMA contracts are pre-payments as either participation fees or registrations. Therefore, the contract must be received by Dutchess BOCES at least 8 weeks before payment is due to ensure payment is received BEFORE the event.

If processing aid able DCMEA/NYSSMA fees through the Arts-in-Education Co-Ser, the following process should be used.

1. The contract should be filled out as always. A copy of the contract can be downloaded by going to the FORMS section of the Arts In Education website at www.dcboces.org/artsineducation. Please be especially careful to note the following:

  • Under “Artist or Organization”, list DCMEA/NYSSMA, c/o chair’s name
  • The “Address” should be that of where the check is to be sent, i.e., the school/organization name and address of DCMEA/NYSSMA or the DCMEA/NYSSMA Chair. The same would be true of the other contact information
  • The Federal ID # for DCMEA to be used on your contracts is: 20-4872683
  • The Federal ID # for NYSSMA to be used on your contracts is: 11-19-76-465
  • The information listed under “School Contact” should reflect that of the school (or district for annual participation fee) and person submitting the contract
  • Please check the pre-payment box and insert a “Required By” date as listed on the invoice. This should be received at least 8 weeks before payment is due as noted above
  • In this case only, BOCES will take care of procuring W-9s.

2. IF the contract is for the Annual District Participation Fee, under #4 (Descrption) of the contract fill in “Annual District Participation Fee”.

3. IF the contract is for a festival or workshop, under #4 of the contract fill in a brief description of the request including the festival or workshop name.

4. IF the contract is for professional staff development registration, under #4 of the contract fill in the workshop name and brief description. You can say something such as “Please pay immediately. Registration fee”. If all participating teachers are not on the same invoice, either a new invoice is needed or additional contracts for the additional teachers.

5. In ALL cases, PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF THE DCMEA/NYSSMA INVOICE. This invoice will be sent with the BOCES check upon payment so that DCMEA/NYSSMA is clear which fee it is for. Please note that this is not a school invoice, but a copy of the DCMEA/NYSSMA registration forms which will include clear information on which school district is involved, number of participating students or teachers, annual participation fee, workshop or festival, staff development, etc.

6. Under “Artist or Arts Organization Signature”, please circle VENDOR INVOICE”. No further signature is required of DCMEA/NYSSMA.

7. As with any contract, the district would deposit the appropriate monies in the arts-in- education co-ser budget line and receive aid the following year.

IV. SCHOLASTIC Contract Guidelines

Dutchess County BOCES is part of the four county Hudson Valley Affiliate for National Scholastic Art and Writing Awards along with Orange, Sullivan and Ulster Counties, as well as the Orange County Arts Council. This prestigious arts competition is an annual event offering participation in both art and writing for 7-12 graders. At this time, the Hudson Valley Affiliate is only sponsoring the art competition, not the writing.

If your district is participating the guidelines follow:

1. In September, the BOCES Coordinator will forward a form requesting confirmation of your interest to participate in the Art Awards competition on behalf of Sullivan BOCES which acts as lead agency of the Affiliate. Complete it and return to their coordinator. This form will serve as your contract invoice.

2. Fill out an AIE contract as always. In the fee section place the fee for either one school or the district as indicated. In question #4, write “Participation in the Scholastic Art Competition for school year _________.” Attach the invoice as indicated above.

3. Dutchess BOCES will become the agent of payment and forward this registration fee to Sullivan BOCES. This is not a cross-contract and therefore allows aid on this fee through the Dutchess County AIE Co-Ser, as with any other AIE contract.

4. This all inclusive registration fee allows for unlimited participation of any number of students and pieces/portfolios from the participating school or district. All adjudication, a local awards ceremony and exhibition, and local awards will be handled through the Affiliate.

5. If a Dutchess district not involved in the AIE Co-Ser wishes to participate for the all-inclusive fee, they may also register through Sullivan BOCES at a higher cost but will receive no aid.

6. If a student from a non-participating school/district wished to participate as an individual (e.g. from a private school or from a home schooled student), they must register through the Affiliate and pay their own fee per piece of work/portfolio. No aid is forthcoming in this regard. However, the Orange County Arts Council serves as liaison so  the pieces could be brought to them and still be included in the adjudication and other related activities.

6. WRITING: The Affiliate does not facilitate the writing competition. However, since there exists a local affiliate, any student within the Affiliate area who wishes to participate in the writing competition, should register directly on the National website at www.artandwriting.org(link is external)(link is external) (link is external).

7. Please forward any questions to Maria DeWald(link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail), Dutchess BOCES AIE Coordinator.

Exploratory Enrichment Guidelines

EE Contract Guidelines

EE Contract Guidelines Information Document [PDF: Adobe Acrobat Reader format]

The downloadable “School District Request For Exploratory Enrichment” contract is available on the BOCES website, www.dcboces.org/artsineducation, in both Word and pdf formats. Once on the Arts in Education home page, click on FORMS or click on the word contract in #1 below.

Please note: Although you can download a blank contract or fill it in online and then download it, the system will neither save your data nor can the contract be submitted electronically

1. Schools should complete all areas of the contract and assure it is signed by the District coordinator/administrator before faxing/mailing to the BOCES Coordinator, as listed below. Contracts need to be received by Maria DeWald, BOCES AIE Coordinator, at least one month prior (8 weeks prior for prepayments for registrations, tickets, etc.) to the activity date. It is possible that contracts received after the program occurs may not be accepted. They can be as much as a year in advance but no later than May 1.

2. Coordinators need to carefully check contracts / W9 to assure everything is filled out and signed accurately. An email or faxed contract can be submitted initially but, eventually, an original contract will be needed for payment The contract form MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A VENDOR INVOICE (no originals are needed for this form; an emailed or faxed copy is acceptable). Please assure the invoice lists BOCES AS AGENT OF PAYMENT.

3. PLEASE NOTE: individual ticket prices are NOT aid able under the EE Co-ser but site-based fees are. Therefore, when filling out this section of the contract, please assure you list the total fee only even. For example, if it is ticket based to utilize a site and the charge is $5/student and there are 100 students attending, please just list $500 as the site based fee without further detail.

4. In filling out the contract, the name of the vendor/organization should exactly duplicate the vendor’s IRS tax filing, e.g. if the vendor files under their name and Social Security # (individual), fill the contract out this way; if the vendor files under an organization name such as “Dutchess Parks” or uses a TIN# (group), fill the contract out this way. The W9 should match exactly. It is not necessary to send a new W9 unless the vendor is new or has not been used in more than three years. It can be faxed or emailed and does not need to be an original copy.

5. The Exploratory Enrichment Co-ser is utilized for all activities supporting the district curriculum excluding  arts-in-education based activities which are covered under the Arts In Education Co-ser. Please see the chart above for more detailed information of the difference between the two co-sers. Please note however that these curriculum areas can be taught through the arts (dance, language arts, media arts, music, visual arts) and may therefore be submitted under the AIE Co-Ser IF the arts basis is substantialFor examplePuppet People’s Bully Busters show is AIE as it is primarily an arts based activity in the form of a theatre puppet production, even though character education programs are normally considered Exploratory Enrichment activities. All are encouraged to choose an arts based program if at all possible. 

6. As with AIE, BOCES becomes the agent of payment for all contracts. Therefore, BOCES must pay the vendor, not the school. However, districts must assure that the cost of the program, plus any administration fees, are made available to BOCES if the district is not maintaining an EE debit account for such purposes. The administrator’s signature on the contract guarantees this.

7. Since programs submitted under the EE Co-ser must be shared by at least TWO Dutchess County districts within the same school year to receive state aid, an EE calendar is available to check the status of booked programs for the year. Every attempt will be made by BOCES to help assure a match before processing the contract. The school district in question is also encouraged to try and investigate possible matches before submitting the contract.

8. If there is a contract modification before the date of the performance, fill out the Contract Modification form, in the places where it differs such as a new fee or dates, staple to a copy of the old contract and resubmit.

9. District Coordinators are to assure that vendors have a copy of the Vendor Claim Form to facilitate payment after the activity is completed. This form should be submitted within 24 hrs of the event. NO PAYMENT CAN BE ISSUED WITHOUT THIS FORM. The form is available electronically at the BOCES EE site or by clicking above.

10. Payment to the vendor normally should take no more than 6 weeks. However, budget modifications, W-9 forms either missing or not consistent with the contract and artist’s IRS filing, business office payment schedule, no vendor Claim Form, emergency situations, etc. could hold this up. In regard to budget modifications, it is much more effective if the school district maintains an EE debit account, separate from the AIE account, with BOCES so that billing for each individual contract, which requires extra time, does not hold up the vendor payment process.

EE Standards for Approval

The following is a list of Dutchess BOCES Guidelines for program approval developed to assure the integrity of the aforementioned NYSED Program. Compliance with the following standards is required for BOCES aid approval:

  • Alignment with the New York State Standards in academic or occupational subject matter areas, excluding arts-in-education which is covered under Co-ser 5842, providing activities which exceed or are different from content offerings found in standard courses. For example, organizations like the Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County, or other science, environmental, historical, career development and character education specialists will provide students and teachers access to instructional resources and programs that are not available in a traditional classroom environment
  • Activities occur at any time during the school year or during the months of July- August for activities such as Summer Scholars. They may include workshops, individual residential programs, residencies, etc.
  • Activities may not generate school or college credit
  • Activities may not be scheduled on weekends although there are SOME cases of programs that begin during the school day but extend to the weekend that MAY be approved.
  • Activities may not involve extracurricular activities such as Olympics of the Mind although an activity that occurs during the school day and extends into afterschool hours MAY be aid able.
  • No transportation/food/professional staff development costs are eligible for aid
  • Admission tickets are not eligible for aid but the cost of specialized facilities are eligible (see site-based fee explanation above). Facilities may include BOCES facilities, shared district classrooms, or other out-of-district facilities such as, but not limited to, universities and colleges, museums, libraries, environmental centers, historic sites, estates, zoos, and gardens. In addition, this Co-ser shall include a summer enrichment program, High School of Excellence for Summer Scholars, which provides for a two-week in-residence enrichment study at the county’s colleges.
  • Approval for any EE activity is given on an individual contract basis according to curriculum appropriateness.
  • Vendors and cultural organizations listed on the Exploratory Enrichment Website are recommended as a guide and are not meant to be restrictive or inclusive in any way.
  • All vendors employed through the EE Co-Ser who are presenting an EE program for the first time in a district, will need to be fingerprinted prior to presenting the program if the vendor will be spending unsupervised time or have direct contact with children under the age of 21 or will be conducting a residency of five days or more. This is the responsibility of the district and artist.

Dutchess BOCES Service Plan

A. Needs which the service will meet:
There is a demonstrated need for our Dutchess County students to have the opportunity to appreciate the scope of our NYS Learning Standards. Experts and institutions focusing on standards in Mathematics, Science, and History as well as Environmental, Career Development, Health and Character Education Issues, need to be made widely available. Again, this Co-ser will exclude Arts in Education enrichment which is outlined in Co-Ser 5842.
This program will provide authentic opportunities for these standards to come alive, be applied to real life experiences and educational issues and to have genuine meaning. There is a strong need to apply these standards to hands-on experiences.
B. Measurable Goals and Objectives of the Service:
1. To provide students with hands-on authentic experiences that demonstrate the concepts of the NYS Learning Standards, excluding Arts in Education which is outlined in Co-Ser 5842.
2. To improve the knowledge and understanding of classroom and specialty teachers regarding authentic activities that enable students to better integrate and apply knowledge that is part of the traditional classroom experience.
C. Evaluation Measures to Determine Achievement of Goals and Objectives:
Evaluations of all programs will be completed by teachers noting the impact of the program on student learning and understanding of program objectives.
D. Role of BOCES Staff in Providing Service – Describe Specific Tasks/Activities:
BOCES administrators will collaborate with districts in the coordination, contracting, and evaluation of these programs and will meet regularly with the district representatives. Communications will be sustained through e-mail and meetings.

For more information:

Maria DeWald
Coordinator, Arts in Education/Exploratory Enrichment
Dutchess County BOCES
Educational Resources
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
v: 845.486.4840 ext. 4581
f: 845.625.1680
E-Mail: maria.dewald@dcboces.org(link sends e-mail)
Web: www.dcboces.org/artsineducation